Thursday, April 7, 2011

words are exchanged.

in any competitive sport you are going to have words that will be exchanged. But in a certain case where a player is hurt like Shawn Thornton. You shouldn't be saying a whole lot. And what Fernando Pisani said to Mr. Thornton as he was taken off of the ice because of a major cut on his forehead. Fernando said something like, "get off the ice. get off the ice." He also threw in some naughty words but that was basically what he meant. Its one thing to talk trash to another player on the ice. I do it all the time. But when you have a hurt player, that's something that you need to give respect to. Because lets say that someone gets hurt. And you decide to say something to that person that was sorta mean. What if that man or woman ends up getting seriously hurt and possibly dies. I'm thinking that you would feel super bad about you did and would regret it for the rest of your life. That's why i think that you should probably think about think about what you say before you say it. Shawn Thornton isn't going to die though. He did receive 40 stitches to his forehead though. I'm not saying that you shouldn't talk during the game either though. It happens in every sport i think. Its the adrenalin or something that just makes you go nuts. So be care full about what you say people. 

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